You can watch recordings of my current series of talks about tantra, taoism and kundalini here.
I offer these recordings in the spirit of reciprocity. If you would like to make a donation to support this offering, you can do so in increments of R50 with this link.

Watch Nagakanya – The Gift of the Dragon Queen
Mysterious guardians of hidden underworld realms, the naga are otherworldly shapeshifting serpent-beings akin to European and Oriental dragons. Nagas revealed the void at the heart of tantra.
As fierce, secretive guardians of nature, their teachings are especially relevant in this time of global ecological devastation, conflict and mass delusion.
In this seminar, we explored the significance of these chthonic entities from a cross-cultural shamanic perspective. We considered their role in pre-Buddhist Himalayan and Indic cultures.
We inquired into their transmission of the Buddhist teachings on emptiness contained in the prajnaparamita sutra – the heart of transcendent wisdom.
We concluded with a discussion about how this could remedy neotantrik narcissism and what its implications are for contemporary tantrik ethics of social engagement, ecological activism and fierce compassion.
The seminar included traditional mantra and a guided meditation on emptiness.
#naga #shamanism #tantra #vajrayana #kundalini #animism #compassion
Kundalini Interview with Lean Bakker – Sensual Buddha
In this delightful conversation with Lean, we explore a broad range of topics related to kundalini, tantra, and subtle body cultivation. We discuss the value of an approach that integrates critical scholarly inquiry with practical experience.