I offer a variety of services in person to individuals and couples in Cape Town, and online via Jitsi for clients from further afield.
Tantrik Yoga
Develop your own tantrik practice with one-on-one guidance and transmission. I share practices based on daoyin qigong, tibetan tsalung yoga, tantric inner yogas and dance. These practices enable you to develop awareness of subtle energy, to cultivate and strengthen your energy system, and to guide and transmute energies intentionally. This will enhance your general vitality and wellbeing, but will also make you a more sensitive bodyworker and lover who is able to work with vital energy to access deep states of transcendent bliss and spacious awareness.
Intimacy Coaching
Develop sensitivity, attitudes and skills that enable you to be a more attentive and capable lover, to dissolve limiting beliefs and emotions such as shame, inadequacy and jealousy to access deep physical, energetic and spiritual intimacy – with yourself and with your lover. I offer particular support for new parents challenged by the demands of childcare, busy professionals and people interested in exploring open and non-monogamous relating.
Shakti-Touch Bodywork
Release psycho-somatic blockages and expand into bliss with sensual, shakti-infused bodywork. Drawing on my awareness and cultivation of subtle energy, I tune in to your body and energy currents to offer tender, healing touch that is infused with life force energy, arousing and activating your own flow of energy.
Ultimately, direct experience is the most important pathway to insight and growth. However, many others have travelled these paths before us, and have developed maps of this exciting terrain. Conceptual maps can help us make sense of what we are experiencing and guide us towards desirable spaces while avoiding some of the pitfalls. Explore a series of introductory lessons on essential concepts and various forms of shakti yoga and qigong. Go to the e-learning portal to find out more.
Remote Consultations
For remote clients, I offer consultations via Jitsi.